Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Birchbox May Review

This is a review for the original Birchbox for women.  My husband's Birchbox Man was always so nice and their customer service was stellar so I was like for $10/month I may as well give it a shot. Plus with their awesome points system with the 2 of our boxes combined into one acvount, we will really rack up the points. Remember for each 100 points you get $100 to spend in their store and every referral gets you 50 points and every review you leave on one of their products gets you 10 points. Plus 1 point for every $1 you spend in their shop. It adds up quick!

Here are some general facts I cropped from their website:

This month's pictures and item descriptions:

Overall I wasn't THAT impressed over the items but with it only costing $10 I guess it wasn't bad. Will be fun to try everything out. The lotion smells okay, shampoo and conditioner smell like any other. Eyeliner is a gorgeous liquid silver and I can't wait to try it. The 2 vitamins were absolutely disgusting. Pure gelatin with an awful aftertaste. Plus who wants vitamins? Lol but I will give birchbox another shot. I did love that eyeliner and I can tell they put thought into the selection. 

Interior of the box was pretty styling.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Bonjour Jolie May Review

This is a review for a monthly box subscription called Bonjour Jolie.
For $16 + $5 shipping if you live in the United States you will receive a package of goodies right in time for that terrible time of the month. 

Bonjour Jolie allows you to pick 25 feminine hygiene items each month and they include all sorts of extra pampering gifts. They pretty much have every brand of pad, panty liner,  tampon etc you can think of and if not you can request it.

You do not have to keep your selection to a specific item. If you want 25 tampons go for it, but you can get a few pads, a few liners, whatever as long as it adds up to 25 items.

The way I figure, you spend $8 or so each month on a box of tampons. For $13 more you get them delivered directly and in discreetly to your door as well as teas, body scrubs, chocolates, special hand picked gifts etc. Just what you need to start off a dreadful week.
This company is made up of 5 individuals.  Period. They put so much thought and heart into their boxes. Usually they stick with themes depending on the month or holiday.
I think Bonjour Jolie is an absolutely wonderful thing and $21 to put a smile on my face and make that week a little better is worth it. Plus no more buying tampons at the grocery store. 
For the month of May they had a Celebrate Dreams theme. This month was their one year anniversary.

 Here's pictures :)

 I received a bracelet, philosophy body bar, facial bar, shower gel, and body lotion, grandma's chocolate chip cookies, York peppermint patties, tootsie roll pop, 5 packets of herbal fruit tea, 2 advil packets, 2 feminine hygiene wipes and my 25 preselected tampons.

 This was too big for my wrist but fit great as an anklet. Very chic.

Love it, thanks ladies!

I can't believe how well out together these boxed are. They put so much thought into them and I just love it! So impressed. 

If you are interested in a subscription with Bonjour Jolie, please visit 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Citrus Lane May Review

Citrus Lane is a monthly box subscription with products specifically chosen for your child based on their age and gender. They usually include 4-5 items, 1-2 are full sized and the other items are samples.
There are different plans you can pick from:

We have fallen in love with this company and last month purchased a 6 month subscription.  :) 

This month's box was the best yet! 

The Contents:

Individual Items and Amazon Price Comparison:



Overall with Amazon price comparison, this box was $41.50 value.

Sign up thru my link and get 50% off your first box:


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Beauty Box 5 May Review

This is a review for a monthly beauty box subscription called Beauty Box 5. The 5 signifies that you get 5 different samples to try in your box. This is my first box with them and they happened to be running a special that made it completely free. Starting at the end of this month (30 days after I initially ordered my first box) I will be charged $12 for June's box and so on until I cancel.  I wasn't sure if I would keep this subscription after my freebie box as I already have ipsy and birchbox but I actually ended up really pleased with them.  
Some information copied directly from their website:

My box contents: 

 Card which includes details of individual items.

 An inside look.

 I adore this eyeliner! It's creamy, very black and stays on well. I have been using it almost every day now.

 This lotion is a miracle worker but doesn't have much of a scent which is great for men. My husband gladly accepted this from me.

 This lotion on the other hand has a nice, fresh scent and is staying in my purse!

Keeping these guys in the diaper bag. Will be nice to use when it's hot out and we are at the park or the lake.

This perfume was so light and not super potent. Loved it! Full size retails for $55

Overall I thought this was a really nice box. Some people complained about the drugstore brands but I think it's nice they are letting you try things that are not only affordable but also findable. A lot of things birchbox hands out are either birchbox specific or extremely expensive.  

Go to http://www.beautybox5.com and give them a shot! :)